Concur Requests
When do I need to create a request?
- If you’re going to stay at your destination overnight.
- If you’re booking a flight.
- If you’re renting a car.
Remember: the request must be approved before you can book a flight, rent a car, pay registration, etc.
What should I know about the first screen/header?
- Title should be your last name, destination, and first day of travel
- Ex: Whitley – Bahamas – 07/01/2025
- Funding information: if you don’t know the chartfields, put it in the additional information or the comments field.
- The department ID will default to ESE (463001). If another department is paying, please change the ID to that department so the approvals will route to them.
- You can access this screen later by going to Request Details -> Edit Request Header
What needs to be in the request?
- All your estimated expenses, including meals.
Special Cases
- AirBNB/other nonhotel option: Third party lodging request form
- International travel: Approved form (See International Travel)
- Personal travel that changes your trip: Estimate for the flights/train/mileage you would take if only going on business: See Policy