Note: Please use machines for ESE business only. Homework, exams, theses and dissertations are not considered ESE business.
The copiers, which double as scanners, are in Rosenau 149 and Hooker 1300. Log in with your PID.
Fax Machine
It is in 149 Rosenau; the instructions are on the wall behind it.
Poster Printer
The poster printer has died.
Some labs and offices have printers, but most people print to the copiers. Students who want access to the copier should fill out an Access Request and give it to Jason Pruszko.
Once you have access, you can print directly from your computer or from a USB drive. You will need to log in with your PID.
Homework, theses, and dissertations are personal. Please do not print them on department printers.
The copiers are also scanners and will send scanned documents to any UNC email address. You can type in your email address or search the directory for it. Use the format LastName, FirstName to search.
Other Machines
Comb binder – 148 Rosenau; speak with Robin Whitley
Paper cutter – There are two in 149 Rosenau
Typewriter – 148 Rosenau; speak with Robin Whitley