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FunctionsCategoryPrimary ContactBack upNotes
Academic Personnel LiaisonHRRhoda CernyDoris Dworschak
Admissions processStudent ServicesJennifer Moore, Kim Sielerworking with Graduate School, coordination with faculty/committees
Airgas - OrderingPurchasingLabsRobin WhitleyEprocurement
Dry Ice and Cylinder Pickup
Airgas - ReconciliationFinanceRobin WhitleyCommunicate demurrage charges to labs and funding changes to UNC
Awards CommitteeAwardsRhoda Cerny
Calendar Pickup (yearly, UNC Printing)Department OperationsRhoda Cerny
Carolina Cares/ Carolina Shares Department OperationsRhoda Cerny
Cash AdvanceFinanceAccount TechnicianTara Fitchsee Purchasing Overview
Cash/Check DepositsFinanceLynda PetersonAngie Ross / Tara FitchThree people must handle each deposit
CBM ReconcilerFinancePedro MonzonTara Fitchincludes FedEx, Carolina Inn, background checks, etc.
Class schedulingStudent ServicesKira Jones and Orlando Coronelladd, delete, update classes
Classroom schedulingStudent ServicesKira Jonesscheduling for classes only, add, change
Department PhotoDepartment OperationsRhoda CernySPH Comm takes photo
DirectoryCommunicationsRhoda CernyRobin Whitley
Dissertation coordinationStudent ServicesJennifer Moorescheduling room, printing announcements, putting together files
ePro / Buy CarolinaPurchasingLabsESE - Robin Whitley
COFIRES - Debra Simone
IEHS - Debra Simone
WI - Angie Ross
Equipment InventoryDepartment OperationsRobin WhitleyDoris Dworschak
ESE Dept Funds, State and Trust FundsFinanceDoris DworschakTara Fitch
Event Planning (Department-level)Events and MeetingsRhoda CernyExamples: ice cream social, department guests, special events
Event Planning (Research-related)Events and MeetingsFaculty, LabsExamples: Class lectures; individual lab guests
Event Planning (Student Recruiting)Student ServicesKira Jonesopen house, recruiting events, discover Gillings, etc
Facilities RequestsFacilitiesRobin Whitley
Faculty Cost CentersFinanceTara FitchDoris Dworschak
Faculty Meetings Events and MeetingsRhoda Cerny (w/chair)(scheduling, agendas, minutes)
Faculty Payroll HRAccount Tech/Tara FitchDoris Dworschak(academic and summer)
FedEx shippingShippingLabsRobin Whitley
Fiscal Team MeetingsFinanceTara Fitch
HR for permanent and temporary personnelHRLaTonya Simrel-WrightSPH Shared Services
I-9 (Staff)HRLaTonya Simrel-WrightSPH Shared Services
I-9 (Student)HRPedro Monzon, Doris Dworschak, Tara Fitch, Kira Jones, Angie Ross
Independent ContractorsFinanceAccount TechnicianTara Fitch, Lynda Peterson
Interview scheduling - admin/fiscalHRDoris Dworschak
Interview scheduling - facultyHRRhoda Cerny
Interview scheduling - lab staff, postdocsHRFaculty, Labs
Invoices (payments to companies under $5000)PurchasingRobin Whitley
IT Desktop SupportITJason Pruszko, Larry BrantleySPH IT team
KeysFacilitiesRobin WhitleyIncludes lab wing and after hours card access
LaundryFacilitiesLabsRobin Whitley for access
ListservCommunicationsRhoda Cerny / Kira Jones
Mail distributionShippingRobin Whitley
Master Fund ListFinanceTara Fitch
Meetings - labsEvents and MeetingsFaculty, LabsRoom reservations, A/V
Meetings - staffEvents and MeetingsRhoda CernyDoris Dworschak
New employee initial welcomingHRRhoda Cernystaff in relevant area take over(welcome packet, parking, intro/tour for faculty and dept. level staff)
NIOSH training grantFinanceLynda PetersonTara Fitch
ParkingDepartment OperationsRhoda Cerny
Pcard ReconciliationFinanceCardholdersAccount Managers, Tara Fitch
Post-award team leaderFinanceTara FitchDoris Dworschak
Pre award Team leaderGrantsJennifer EspinozaAngie Ross
Pre-award - COFIRESGrantsJennifer Espinoza
Pre-award - IEHSGrantsAngie RossJennifer Espinoza(Federal and Domestic)
Pre-award - Water InstituteGrantsAngie RossJennifer Espinoza(Federal and Domestic)
Pre-award - Water Institute (International)GrantsJennifer Espinoza
Printing (business cards, large jobs, etc.)Department OperationsRobin Whitley
Purchase orders PurchasingRobin Whitleysee Purchasing Overview
RecyclingFacilitiesRobin Whitley
ReimbursementsPurchasingRobin WhitleyTara Fitch
see Purchasing Overview
SPOTS space databaseDepartment OperationsRobin WhitleyDoris Dworschak
Staff & Faculty HR actionsHRLaTonya Simrel-Wrightothers in SPH HR
Student appointment lettersStudent ServicesKira Jones
Student Health Insurance (GSHIP)Student ServicesPedro Monzon, Kira JonesDoris Dworschak
Student HiringStudent Services/HRPedro MonzonDoris DworschakIncludes work study
Student PosterStudent ServicesKira JonesAnnual photo sessions around orientation in the fall
Student Registration IssuesStudent ServicesKira Jones, Jennifer Moore, Kim Sieler
Student Services awardsStudent ServicesJennifer MooreSPH Shared Services
Student Visits & interviews with facultyStudent ServicesKira Jones, Jennifer Moore, Kim SielerKira Jonesprospective students
SurplusFacilitiesRobin Whitley
Systems AccessFinanceTara FitchDoris Dworschak(Infoporte, Connect Carolina, HR, Web Travel, PCard, Approvers)
Teaching support (copying and printing)Department OperationsTARobin Whitley
TelephonesCommunicationsRobin Whitley
Travel - faculty and staffTravelESE: Faculty or staff member
COFIRES: Debra Simone
IEHS: Debra Simone
WI: Angie Ross
Robin Whitley
Travel - studentsTravelESE: Robin Whitley
COFIRES: Debra Simone
IEHS: Debra Simone
NIOSH: Julie Myers
WI: Angie Ross
Robin WhitleyPedro Monzon processes all Gradstar travel entries
U.S. MailShippingRobin Whitley
VisasHRLaTonya Simrel-WrightSPH Shared Services
Website updates (ESE Academic pgs)Student ServicesKira JonesRhoda Cerny
Website/Communications (ESE main pages, profiles)CommunicationsRhoda Cerny
Websites - SakaiCommunicationsFaculty, TAsRobin Whitley